viernes, septiembre 29, 2006

You've created your own monster...IT'S ALIVE, but feel no more.
Carcass of a being.
'Monsters need their makers'
Loneliness, it shadows me
Quicker than darkness
Crawls to the surface of my skin
Visibly surrounded by it
Black is all I feel, so this is how it feels to be free
Surrounded by empty souls
Artificial courage used
And because so once was mine
I walk this maze alone
Black is all I feel, so this is how it feels to be free
I have been guilty of kicking myself in the teeth
I will speak no more of my feelings beneath
"'Maybe I helped open your eyes, but you saved yourself.'"
No, not saved.
Bury me softly in this womb..

The Creation.-

jueves, septiembre 28, 2006

Si, una simple fantasia...

miércoles, septiembre 27, 2006

Anger Management

Finished with my man 'cause he couldn't help me with my mind
people think I'm insane because I am frowning all the time
All day long I think of things but nothing seems to satisfy
Think I'll lose my mind if I don't find something to pacify

Can you help me occupy my brain?
Oh yeah

I need someone to show me the things in life that I can't find
I can't see the things that make true happiness, I must be blind
Make a joke and I will sigh and you will laugh and I will cry
Happiness I cannot feel and love to me us so unreal
And so as you hear these words telling you now of my state
I tell you to enjoy life I wish I could but it's too late

too late.

Estoy cansada. Derrotada. Hecha trizas.
Y en la entrada del Infierno decia: "Dejad fuera toda Esperanza"
Im already in it.
Saludos, greeting cards a todos aquellos q cumplen anios..o lo q sea.
Adios..hasta la proxima vez q postee una letra q me habla.


martes, septiembre 19, 2006

Do not Forget (..anything..)

Two hearts that shouldnt
Talk to each other become close
In a town much like a prison cell
People speak our names
On the street in hushed tones
Oh the stories theyd tell
If anyone would listen
You come from a town where
People dont bother saying hello
Unless somebodys born or dies
And I come from a place where they
Drag your hopes through the mud
Because their own dreams are all dying
And when we walk down the street
The wind sings our name in rebel songs
The sounds of the night should make us anxious
But its much to late when the fear is gone

I will meet you in the next life, I promise you
Where we can be together, I promise you
I will wait till then in hell, I promise you
I promise, I promise

Theres so many fighting
To get past the pearly gates
But nobody ever wants to die or get saved
Their intentions arent that good
And I can smell the asphalt
Thats their personal road to hell being paved
And when we walk down the street
The wind sings our name in rebel songs
But its much to late when the fear is gone

I will meet you in the next life, I promise you
Where we can be together, I promise you
I will wait till then in heaven, I promise you
I promise, I promise

I promise you
I promise, I promise

jueves, septiembre 07, 2006


Con la proteccion de un par de Alas

Con la magnificencia excentrica de una

Deidad,con ojos de serpiente, y caracter de una fiera.

Dulce como el datil, amarga como el veneno del aspid.

Incolora como el Nilo, turbia como tormenta de arena.

Demencial como desierto sin oasis, pacifica como palmera sin vientos.

Monumental como tumba faraonica, inamovible como piedra.

De espiritu milenario.